Current Challenge: Complete Fitness Tests!!!

PS- Don't forget to post your starting weight on the 'Week 1 Begins' event on our page and a 'biggest loser style- starting pic' if you want!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Quick Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. If you skimp on breakfast, you tend to eat a lot more at lunch just because you're hungrier. Don't skimp out on fueling yourself properly for the day!

Don't know what to eat that's healthy and filling in the morning?

Here are some ideas that I love. Feel free to share any other ideas you have!

* .5 cup (or less) oats w/ a tbs of raisins or chocolate chips
* Egg whites w/ salsa
* Grapefruits (We have a grapefruit tree- fyi!)
* Fat-free yogurt w/ berries or fiber one cereal (low-cal & high in fiber)
* Plain toast and egg whites
* Banana & dry cereal (good for on-the-go)
* Cream of wheat w/ 1tbs chocolate chips

What do you enjoy eating for breakfast?


Brittney Burton said...

I like to eat oatmeal with a teaspoon of brown sugar. Probably not the healthiest but I figure it's better than a sugary cereal. Oh and I really liked the oatmeal with the chocolate chips, Good idea!

Leah said...

About what amount of calories do you recommend we eat for breakfast? I am a cream of wheat girl myself. I like the 'butter flavor' with a spoonful of sugar.

I find myself rarely eating till about 10am. It apparently is habit because even if I have just eaten at 8am I want to eat again at 10am. I think this might have something to do with being up at 3am. 10am means already being up for SEVEN hours! Its time for lunch! I get hungry again at 2pm and then have a light dinner. Is this a horrible habit I should really fight to change? Or something I can work with and just need to watch the calorie intake? What do ya think? Yay! Thanks for doing this Karisa!!!

Karisa Tomkinson said...

The amount of calories "in" will vary with each person and their goals and recommended caloric intake. I honestly don't think it matters how much you eat at breakfast (or any other meal of the day) as long as you spread your calories out. Don't use them all in one meal. Make sure you just monitor your calorie intake and you will be fine.
Weight loss is all about the numbers. I'll do a post later tonight if you want teaching about the numbers in weight loss, does that sound good? As for your breakfast, it sounds like it is fine. As long as you use portion control and are aware, you'll do great! :)

Lorain said...

I like to add apple sauce to my oatmeal. It is very yummy and adds lots of flavor. :) I also like to have frosted mini wheat around for when I want something sweet and want to shove several cookies...m&m's..candy....etc in my mouth, I can grab a handful of them and not completely mess up my caloric intake...